To use the Health Vision Help Desk, simply submit a new ticket. You do not even have to set up an account at our website.
OR to put in a ticket to this desk, you can just email your request to You can add that email address to your contacts list so you can easily just start an email and send your request at any time.
In either case, after submitting your request, you will receive a confirmation via email, and you will also receive any responses we make in your email. You may respond to that email directly by simply replying to the email.
Alternatively, you can sign up for this help desk and view all prior tickets in one place. You can set up your account with any email address, but the easiest way to sign up is to just click GOOGLE or FACEBOOK and sign in that way. If you are already signed into that application, you will automatically be logged into the help desk, and your account will be automatically set up.
Save this url and you can return any time to this website, and again login the same way.
We work to respond to all tickets within one business day.
Thank you for using the Health Vision Help Desk.